Either Obama is so caught up in his own doctrine of hope to understand the urgency of his task or he thinks he can sell failure as "modest success" to a public that waits each and every day for any sign of real systemic change?
Not only does the so-called ‘Copenhagen Accord’ not include overall emissions targets or deadlines, but also fails to include legally binding protocols or measures. The 'agreement' these industrial-state politicians reached merely suggests limiting global warming to a maximum of 2C above pre-industrial times. But the agreement fails to say how to actualize this vague goal. Without binding legal mechanisms or emissions cut targets there is no way to actually achieve this espoused goal of limiting an increase in global temperature.
i can envision the wealthy 'elite' now gathering in their $2000 suits to discuss corporate salaries and their next public relations attack against scientific data. But there is terrible storm of events coming – and even corporate managers, technocrats and bankers won’t be able to spend or talk their way out it. These ecofascists will continue to increase their influence on institutions and resource transfer systems, but their investments and opinions will be come irrelevant.
The Copenhagen meetings were good for at least one thing: a wide range of resistance and NGO groups came together to support the issue of climate change – forming previously non-exiting links and alliances. Thousands of human rights groups, environmentalists and anti-poverty campaigners have now rallied and reorganized in order to bring climate change within their direct sphere of concern. Politicians’ continued failures are now galvanizing a worldwide movement that will continue put immense pressure on world leaders in the coming months.
If the Copenhagen debacle can teach us anything it is that now, more than even, we must continue to fight and struggle against all those systems of domination and appropriation that seek to silence and brutalize us. The time for talk over people. Either join the coming battles or get the fuck out of the way.
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