Dr. James Hansen is a giant in the scientific community and widely recognized as one of the first internationally respected scientists to begin recognizing the dangers and effects of global warming. Hansen has appeared in front of congressional committees and advised heads of state on numerous occasions.
Needless to say, when Hansen speaks both climate change denialists and the scientific community listen:
man, i just moved to omaha and i got to tell you that if the feds don't stop this the local pols and newspapers can't sell it fast enough.
it's like that horrible gut-wrenching slowmo moment that comes with witnessing an accident unfolding
it won't be stopped - too much power (money) behind it. it's the death knell of a dying civilization unconscious of its own pathological mode.
Cheery thoughts, I know.
The corporate media and its citizens in Alberta aren't even mentioning the protests and resistance. Not a word.
I never underestimate the power of the combination of greed, denial and ignorance.
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