
Nietzsche on 'the will to life'

Entangled materiality as potency - without the awkward vitalisms of previous discarded attempts at explanation. An inherent potency as relentless as it is undefinable..
  “Affirmation of life even in its strangest and sternest problems; the will to life rejoicing in its own inexhaustibility through the sacrifice of its highest types – that is what I called Dionysian … Not so as to get rid of pity and terror, but, beyond pity and terror, to realize in oneself the eternal joy of becoming – that joy which also encompasses joy in destruction.” – Nietzsche, Ecce Homo
Where does power come from? It congregates, co-habituates, coagulates, and reverberates via the expressive modes of existing assemblages as they express their structural relation. Affect writ large, and distributed according to whatever field of possibilities it negotiates in the making of bodies without limits other than those set out in the generative dynamics (historicity) involved in each and every specific ontic composition. To affirm the will to life is simply to acknowledge the facticity and potency of existence however ex nihilo it may seem from within.


Anonymous said...

FN seemed more inclined to wishful thinking on these matters than a reporter of actual experiences but the powers and pleasures of living sure beat the alternatives, not sure tho that any one sort of sensation is much to build a way of life on or that our pleasures come without aspects of (for FN) less desirable affects/tones.

Unknown said...

Not sure its just about pleasure (and hedonics), but about increasing the relevance of affective life generally in shaping our human interests, conceptions, evaluations. The will to life is how the human assemblage manifests and emanates its inherency, capacities, and powers as a potent expression not reducible to any given sensation, essential state or affective tone. Working from a lived awareness of our dynamical expression as a temporal activity that is always already in the mix and mangle is hard work, and takes a certain kind of (re)learning in order for us to reorganize our mode of living.

Anonymous said...

well still not convinced that there is A will-to-power (even in individuals) and not some kluged together collection of bodily structures and their effects but was mostly responding to yer speaking via FN, as to how self-aware we can become it's certainly worth testing the resistances and affordances of our cog-biases.

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