The UK's Royal Bank of Scotland, which is now 84% owned by the UK taxpayer and lost about $840m in investments as result of Goldman Sachs fraud, will receive $100m compensation. The German bank IKB Deutsche Industriebank will receive $150m, with the remaining $300m going to the US Treasury. [source]
In a statement, Goldman Sachs said the move to settle their fraud cases was "the right outcome for our firm, our shareholders and our clients". In this they were most certainly correct. As a result of the “deal” Goldman Sachs’ stock rose today by 4.5% - earning the firm $800 million dollars. The resulting net profit for those of us not inclined to math: 250 million U.S dollars. [source]
Neo-liberal pundits everywhere are hailing this a huge win for a few dozen wealthy elites who continued to make record breaking profits throughout the “financial crisis”. From BusinessWeek Magaizine:
“You’d have to look at it as a victory for Goldman,” said Peter Sorrentino, senior portfolio manager at Huntington Asset Advisors in Cincinnati, which manages $13.3 billion including Goldman Sachs shares. “This takes a cloud off the stock.” [source]Goldman Sachs made a profit of $3.5 billion dollars in the first three months of this year – most of which went directly to a few dozen U.S and foreign citizens. [source] Lesson for the kids: crime does pay.

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Kids do see that crime does pay. My 11-year-old looks at some of the stuff going on and says that the rich are getting richer because they are making their money illegally and unethically. It was different when we were kids. Unfortunately, society's value are reflected in politics and laws passed are defining greed as normal. All this stuff is being questioned only after a near global collapse. But I don't see things as improving in the near future.
Elites are still too powerful at this juncture. Things we inevitably get worse IF they are to get better...
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