Egypt's Mubarak quits under protest pressureRead More @ CBC News
Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has resigned and handed over power to the military, ousted by a historic 18-day wave of pro-democracy demonstrations by hundreds of thousands of Egyptians who demanded his removal.
The terse announcement was made live on state TV by a grim Vice-President Omar Suleiman at about 6 p.m. local time Friday. "In the name of God the merciful, the compassionate, citizens, during these very difficult circumstances Egypt is going through, President Hosni Mubarak has decided to step down from the office of president of the republic and has charged the high council of the armed forces to administer the affairs of the country," Suleiman said in a five-minute address translated into English. "May God help everybody."
Several hundred thousand protesters packed into Cairo's central Tahrir Square screamed for joy, waving Egyptian flags, blowing car horns, jumping up and down and chanting slogans such as: "Egypt is free," "God is great," "The people have brought down the regime."
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Thousands of Egyptians in Cairo celebrate President Hosni Mubarak's resignation Friday night.................... |
Al Jazeera English | Live Feed
Not one gun was cocked.
Not one bullet was fired by the freedom fighters.
This is a great day for democracy, and freedom.
Not just for Egypt, and the M/E.
But for all the world to see and experience.
It took their spirit and soul to accomplish this.
So who is more civilized?
A bunch of [water the tree of liberty] gun totin, tea baggers.
Millions of democracy, truth seeking Muslims.
If Americans would look more into Self, rather than kneeling to the Corpocratic War Mongering MSM.
We would all be better off.
I couldn't have said it better myself... Thanks.
Notice recent Obama rhetoric:
"I know that a democratic Egypt can advance its role not only in the region but around the world..."
"In Egypt the moral force of nonviolence bent the arc of history towards justice once more."
The W.H. can not back pedal any longer. They swam with the dictators of the world for decades.
The Big O code speak is nothing more than lip service to his semi base.
The world now knows the truth.
The puppet masters were/are hard at work trying to keep some form of status quo in the region.
Israel and Saudi Arabia fear their own shadow now more than ever.
Who is NEXT???
I hope that this is the New Era and Awakening that I, and others have been waiting for.
'O-speak', i like that.
I wonder what, in brief, would a "New Era and Awakening" entail for you?
And have you seen 'Zeitgeist: Moving Forward' yet? What did you think?
I showed Moving Forward on 01/28/11.
I am a big fan of Zeitgeist. I also showed the Xtianity, and the Federal Reserve ones.
I named my blog A New Era.
hoping that it would be an awakening, and enlightenment, a move forward, a reset of Self and the pale blue dot that we are visiting.
It is not for me, it is for our children, and grandchildren, etc.
If this reset does not come about rather quickly then we are doomed as a species.
Perhaps a total collapse, and a total start over is the only way.
Have you seen this?
I posted another version of this last month, but youtube took it down.
I just now reposted a different version. :-)
Here is the full version.
very nice. I liked the first two (with some caveats), but through Z3 was just incredible. I agree with most of what Peter Joseph had to say, although I'm not as convinced by the science-as-savior line of thinking as he seems to be. A resource-based economy is exactly what is needed, but can technology really save us? Perhaps there are other paths to the same goal? And even if we have a major values shift, and fast, will the masters of power let that happen?
What's more, I'm not optimistic that we have enough time to get where we need to go (in terms of innovation) before utter collapse. I really think we are going to have to "start over" as you say - and rise from the ashes of near extinction. I see a very dark horizon.
I’m gonna watch Z1 and Z2 this weekend again and try to determine exactly where I’m at with that particular “movement”. I know there is a local group who is big into the Venus Project and I’m thinking about supporting them.
I'll check it out - and get back to you on it...
Not one gun was cocked.
Not one bullet was fired by the freedom fighters.
You've REALLY got to stop believing your own propaganda.
All hail non-violence!
Now bow down to the brotherhood, or we'll kill you.
LOL! Titan (Joe, Yul, etc, etc, etc) notice how the video you link to is called "fierce Egypt clashes as pro-govt crowds attack anti-Mubarak protesters"? It was the protesters getting "attacked" and defending themselves! You refuted your own point, I love it!
Are u afraid of the big bad Muslim "brotherhood"? Ahh, that's cute. Scary evil Muslims got you pissing in your KKK clan dragon suit? Guess what Titan/Joe, there are people coming for you, but it's not the Muslims and it's not who you think.
Stay alert.
I agree "stay alert", be afraid be very afraid. LOL
The hand that feeds the ignorant far right, will soon see the Fascist clinched fist from their provider.
They will be the first that will be rounded up.
And what a shock it will be when the truth sets them free.
It was the protesters getting "attacked" and defending themselves!
That's what the poster of the video "said"... but was it the "truth"? Realityzone's comment (Not one gun was cocked. Not one bullet was fired by the freedom fighters) most obviously was not.
And THAT statement is also what the video refuted. There was plenty of violence perpetrated on BOTH sides of the political dispute in Egypt.
And as for "who attacked who"... a video of a riot in mid-fury hardly provides evidence as to "who" began the fight. It's like searching for the answer to the question as to "who" fired the "shot heard round the world". There's usually plenty of blame to go 'round... but only to open minds... something severely lacking at this website.
I'm sure there were pockets of violence of all kinds, but in general the Egyptian people's movement was non-violent and executed very well - even giving me more hope than I have ever had that "peaceful" revolutions are possible.
Of course it remains to be seen if the Egyptian military will allow a transfer of power to democratic governance systems, or how much influence more radical factions within the country will gain. Or will the CIA or American corporate jackals undermine the whole process in order to protect national interests" ($$$)?
Will this people's movement actually change things? I have my doubts.
And I find it kind of ridiculous that a fellow with a homophobic, anti-gay blog is preaching about open minds. Your whole multiple troll gong-show is about spreading ignorance and ideology in order to support hate, discrimination and war-mongering.
Why are you so afraid of true "freedom" - of speech, of marriage, of human rights, of social values, "The Left", Muslims, homosexuals, etc.
Who else do you fear?
Perhaps immigrants, feminists, afro-americans, people with disabilities, the poor, etc? I bet your list is a long one...
In fact, i'd bet that you basically fear and therefore seek to condemn any one non-christian and non-white. Perhaps they terrify you so much that you even feel the overwhelming need to stock up yer gun collection?
Your time is over Joe. Your children will despise the world you will be leaving them. Your values (pseudo-values) are primitive and destructive. This is not a world of all vs. all, us vs them - we are all in this together.
Your god won't save you, your racism won't make you a better human, your guns won't protect you, and all in all your generation's legacy will speak loudly to all future generations of a time of ignorance, illusion, hubris and sickness.
Fear is all such people really have anyway. Titan/Joe/Yul should indeed be very afraid. There are those who play the game of rhetoric and politics (the old left v. right shell game) and there are those of us who play a very different game altogether.
People like Titan/Joe should fear those of us who run their schools, watch over their food supplies, clean their homes, pick up their trash, "fix" their car breaks, work in their hospitals and their factories; people who, generally, will wait until the right moment to play our own type of 'game'.
They shouldn't fear Muslims at all, they should fear people like me.
WOW! !
Well said.
Fear? lol!
Pity, maybe, but fear?
Your whole multiple troll gong-show is about spreading ignorance and ideology in order to support hate, discrimination and war-mongering.
Why are you so afraid of true "freedom" - of speech, of marriage, of human rights, of social values, "The Left", Muslims, homosexuals, etc.
What's wrong with hate (of ignorance such as yours), discrimination (against the unjust imposers of positive liberties) and war-mongering (in the active defense of true liberty)? Surely one so in favour of "Freedom" of speech as yourself could stand to hear and at least "tolerate" dissenting opinions in his midst without resorting to censorship and the creation of "special rights" for the favoured "victimology du jour" and criminalization of so-called "hate" speech?
I didn't think so. A mind so closed and opposed to true freedom that he can't get over his own self-righteousness is what you possess. You hate me because you fear me. You fear that I'll expose your hypocrisy to the world. And you're right. I will!
I don't hate you or fear you, but weep for all of us that people like you exist.
You don't want true liberty - or you'd be for gay and minority rights. You can't refute that can you? You want liberty for some: and only those who you decide deserve freedom.
The time will come when you are called to task for your despicable belief-action systems. Will to power? Sure. Just you wait.
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