revolution begins with a choice. it only takes one person to
get it started. are you that one? am i? what are we waiting for?
get it started. are you that one? am i? what are we waiting for?
( the people of Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, and Bahrain are showing us that action and sacrifice can affect change. revolt works. protesters are not "thugs".
what will it take to follow their lead? demand change )
I see you've joined the Ipad Imperialists. Way to go, Mikey!
Reading comprehension is not your strong suit huh Joe? It's ok, we all have our weaknesses.
Not sure exactly what you mean with what looks to be a new conservative buss word, but if you think I advocate "intervention" into the affairs of other countries you are sadly mistaken. I think we should stay the F out of the middle east altogether. Arabs can OBVIOUSLY handle their own national concerns - it's not easy getting rid of USA puppet regimes you know... USA backed dictators usually have way too many gun ships and arms to be overthrown by popular revolt.
I know it really pisses all you ignorant racists off that Arabs want democracy, because that will F-up your plans of global hegemony, but too FUCKING bad for you. The American Empire is in serious decline and you all (everyone who supports US brutality and domination) are gonna get what's coming to you sooner rather than later.
At least you have a new fear-tool to scare all yer sheeple into action: "the liberal interventionist"! As opposed to what? The neoconservative non-interventionist? LOL. I guess Iran, Guatemala, Chile, Peru, Iraq and Afghanistan don't count as "interventions" huh?
Let's by honest sweety, it's not "intervention" that you are against, it's interventions that don't maintain US economic interests that you don't like. If people are rising up against their dictators you are disgusted, but if the CIA or corporate jackals assassinate democratically elected officials you are all good with that right? right?
In fact, many so-called liberals, lefties, or whatever label gets you hard, are also pathologically insane. The whole Left/Moderate/Right spectrum is infested with stupidity and thoroughly co-opted by the corporatocracy. It's all a shell game Joe, to distract you from what is actually going on, and you are falling for it. The "managers" prey on your racism and fears to get you dancing like a puppet, and singing "right-wing" or "left-wing" songs while the government and their wealthy overlords steal from you and devour the planet.
But let me repeat to help you with your comprehension issues: I DO NOT SUPPORT INTERVENTION IN THE MIDDLE EAST. Period.
The old ideology is a relic of a time when rich white guys in ugly suits called all the shots. That's not the world you live in any more Joe. Those people tenuously hold on to power in the current collapsing system, but not for long. Just look at what's gonna happen to the Koch brothers! It's only a matter of time before we find them all and they answer to the people. Because it is supposed to be "by the people, for the people" remember Joe...
And we won't stop until there are no more masters sitting on thrones Joe. Everyone must be free or no one will be. We are coming for you Joe, and we're even worse that even you can imagine.
lol! Obama's sending a carrier to Libya. The wife of the President of the World, Bill Clinton, so ordered it.
You DO FAVOUR intervention. Look at the title of your previous post (ME Revolution will Benefit us All). And acta non verba never lies. Your party's actas are screaming "INTERVENTION!" while hyprocrites like you claim, "not really".
And all this hypocrisy just to satisfy you and the other I-pad Imperialists of the Socialist International.
And no, I don't support revolutions that don't serve my purpose. Theocracy's and Islamic Caliphates are not my preferred solution for the problems of the Middle East.
You, sir, are a moron. I am loathe to point this out but it is true. I have told you so many times that I am not a Democrat. I'm not even a fucking american.
If I was an american, I still wouldn't be a democrat. The Democratic party is even worse than the GOP, because at least the GOP are up front about their plundering of the national coffers, their racism and hatred of the poor and immiserated. Democrats hide behind a moral sensitivity and pretend to be working for the common good, while participating fully in the culture of entitlements.
So, again and again, I'll tell you: I DO NOT SUPPORT MILITARY INTERVENTION IN OTHER COUNTRIES. Is that clear? What Obama and Clinton say or do has nothing to do with me. They are part of the same systems as Bush and Bush and YOU. The whole shithouse is pathological and stupid.
They got you playing their right/center/left gamer perfectly! You can't even think about the world beyond that paradigm!
some clarifications:
I do, however, support UN "peacekeeping" missions and military operations that prevent genocide or mass murder.
When I say I do not support military intervention what I mean is that I do not support military intervention with re: to the formal political affairs of other countries. That is, I do not support (in general) nation-states participating in “regime changes” or the backing of paramilitary groups within specific territories. Rogue dictators should be prevented from committing genocide on their people, but I don’t consider that a formal “political” issue, but rather a human rights issue.
Would I have supported intervention in Rwanda? Yes. Do I support the war on Iraq? No. The difference is intervention in Rwanda would have been done with the intention of prevented genocide, the other was done with the intention of changing the political structure of the country (and to get control of more oil reserves).
And in ALL CASES I only support intervention when it is led by a U.N coalition of peace-defenders. All such actions need to be internationally supported, and NOT simply in the best interest of one particular nation.
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